Free Financial Webinars and Seminars - Enlighten567

Employers love Enlighten

Employee financial wellness programs to help retain employees and prepare for their

future — stress-free!

Personalized Coaching

Reduce employees’ financial stress with Personal Financial Coaching to answer their questions and get educated on topics of interest.

Proven Platform

Enlighten 567 has generated 5 star reviews for its user-friendly educational platform featuring seminars, webinars and individual coaching.

Employer Rewards

Show your employees you care about their financial future and ensure they can work financially stress-free!

Easy Onboarding

It’s simple for employees to get started with just one click. They simply choose the financial topic that interests them, select a workshop format and get ready to be financially well!


Enlighten 567 charges are based on a ‘per employee’ basis. Contact us for a personalized quote.