8 Ways to Spend Smart During the Holidays

The holiday season is once again upon us, bringing with it the joy of giving and the thrill of festive celebrations. However, as the tinsel adorns the streets and carols fill the air, so does the prospect of heightened spending. It’s no secret that holiday shopping seems to kick off earlier each year, and the pandemic-induced slowdown has only intensified the eagerness to make up for lost time. While the season is a time for generosity, it’s crucial to avoid the pitfalls of holiday debt that can linger long after the decorations are packed away.

The Rising Tide of Holiday Debt:

Recent data reveals a concerning trend—holiday debt is on the rise. A LendingTree study from last year found that 36 percent of respondents went into debt to cover the costs of the holiday season (1). This sobering statistic underscores the importance of approaching holiday spending with a strategic mindset, ensuring that the season of giving doesn’t lead to financial strain.

Tackling Holiday Spending Head-On

To help alleviate the financial burden that can accompany the holiday season, we’ve curated a listicle-style guide filled with practical actions to help you keep your spending in check. Whether you’re shopping for gifts, planning festive gatherings, or considering a holiday getaway, these considerations will serve as a valuable resource to navigate the season without breaking the bank.

  1. Craft a Budget and Stick to It: Begin your holiday season by setting a realistic budget. Allocate specific amounts for gifts, decorations, and entertainment. Having a well-defined budget provides a roadmap for your spending, helping you avoid impulsive purchases.
  2. Embrace DIY Gifts: Show your love and creativity by making personalized gifts. Handcrafted items often carry more sentimental value than store-bought ones, and they can save you a significant amount of money.
  3. Take Advantage of Sales and Discounts: Keep an eye out for holiday sales, discounts, and promotions. Black Friday and Cyber Monday are prime opportunities to snag great deals on gifts, decorations, and even travel.
  4. Opt for Secret Santa or Gift Exchanges: If your family or friend group is large, suggest a Secret Santa gift exchange. This way, everyone receives a thoughtful gift without the financial strain of buying for every individual.
  5. Plan Affordable and Memorable Experiences: Instead of lavish gifts, consider giving the gift of experience. Plan a day trip, movie night, or a homemade dinner. Not only are these options often more meaningful, but they also tend to be more budget-friendly.
  6. Set Realistic Travel Expectations: If travel is on the agenda, be mindful of the associated costs. Consider alternatives like road trips or exploring local attractions to cut down on expenses. Booking tickets and accommodations well in advance can also lead to substantial savings.
  7. Limit Festive Decorations: While decking the halls is undoubtedly part of the holiday tradition, it’s easy to overspend on decorations. Choose a theme, repurpose existing decorations, and get creative with DIY options to keep costs down.
  8. Track Your Spending: Use budgeting apps or spreadsheets to track your holiday expenses in real-time. This will help you stay accountable and make adjustments as needed to prevent overspending.

As the holiday season approaches, it’s essential to strike a balance between spreading joy and maintaining financial prudence. By adopting these practical considerations, you can enjoy the festivities without the looming specter of holiday debt. Remember, the true spirit of the season lies in the joy of giving, not the burden of financial strain.

Source: “36% of Americans Took on Holiday Debt.” LendingTree, www.lendingtree.com/personal/holiday-debt-survey/